Web Portfolio

About Me

Course Units

Unit 3

Color Palette for hypothetical client

My hypothetical client was a online bookstore

The colors I chose are:#2494FF;#016ED8;#7BBDFE;#FFFFFF;#F2DA00;

Color Palette for Online Bookstore
Main Shade: UNC Blue Dark Shade: Navy Blue Light Shade: Light Blue Accent Color#1: Task Bar Color Accent Color#2: A Pop Up Message
#2494FF; #016ED8; #7BBDFE; #FFFFFF; #F2DA00;
Color Swatch

Fonts in CSS

There are two main catagories of fonts:"serif" and "sans serif"

This paragraph should appear in Garamond, although it may default to another serif font.

This paragraph should appear in

This paragraph should apper in Comic Sands, although it may default to another cursive font.

This paragraph should show up in Papyrus, Impact, or Copperplate, although it may default to another Fantasy font or even Times New Roman.

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7


This is a cool website:Netflix

Here is another cool website: Illini Baseball

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